I hope its better to be overpacked than underpacked. The main problem is that it is much heavier. So right off the top, I wonder how much stuff I will shed after the first little while on the road. And speaking of important questions, how resilient will the Tilley hat be this time? It held up so well in Costa Rica, that Tiffany decided to get one for this trip!
I’m looking forward to this trip. After being occupied with work for quite the last while, I will now get to spend a considerable amount of time with my wife. I’m sure we’ll start with formal introductions on the airplane, and maybe by New Zealand, we will be holding hands.
With the Taxes filed, and the packing done, all that’s left is to wait for the 28-hour travelling marathon that is our journey to New Zealand. So starts this next Chapter, an experience to remember. How much familiarity will I find in unfamiliar places? How will life on the home front go without the presence of the Christou? What’s the one key thing I forgot to pack, and how long before I discover it? Stay tuned…