This weekend Home Depot has a Black & Decker Leaf Blower/Vaccuum/Mulcher that mulches "10 bags of leaves into one!" on sale for $50. Considering I have never used or seen a leaf blower in action and was particularly curious about them, this sale price prompted me to get a new toy (hey, they are like $100 usually and thats more of an expensive curiosity).
Its fun to blow leaves all over the place! I don’t know if thats really productive if you just walk around chasing leaves in a circle, but for mindless entertainment I will take it. As for the vaccuum part, its like vaccuuming your grass if you dont have the leaves in a pile already, but when they are its way better than raking and picking them all up.
So I rate it "fun toy", and maybe this winter I can use it to blow loose snow around. We’ll have to see.