After being away from work for a week plus a long weekend to get settled into the new home, I forgot my work password!
After being away from work for a week plus a long weekend to get settled into the new home, I forgot my work password!
Someone in Europe (Belgium I believe) either a) incorrectly thinks that my email address is theirs, or b) is incapable of giving people their correct email address. The result has been that I am occasionally the recipient of personal emails (not spam), in French. Having tried emailing one of these people without a response, I am led to believe that the particular email sender does not understand English.
A couple of weeks ago this guy decides to create a Skype account with his my email address. As a result, I start getting Skype account emails, in French. After a couple of these, I try to contact this guy through the Skype service. Having failed this attempt at reaching the mystery person, I reset the password to the Skype account, effectively locking him out with no way to log back in. I then assigned the account to a different random email address. As far as the Skype account goes, its someone else’s problem now. I hope this person has at least discovered their real email address.
Its my email address. You can’t use it. (But you can send me an email!)
Lola cannot resist the allure of the keyboard. Having said that, here is her first post to the internet:
v vb nhngnnnnnnnn bgggggggfbv g gffffffffff brfddfxcdn6nhn66hg7h8mmmmu n n7uj7h8777777777777777777777h8ht um788ikp09;/ij
b b gtbgJj
Now the internet is subject to my ugly mug.
Take that!
I buckled down for another three year contract with Telus Mobility and got a new phone, the Palm Treo 700wx. I have not played with it much but I have taken a photo of Snickers for your amusement. I used to think that camera phones were stupid, but now I guess I have relaxed my opinion on the matter. It still takes crappy photos, but for those spur of the moment instances when you wish you could have taken a picture (like the thing that happened this morning that you will never know about and I will never remember anyways), it seems like a novel idea.