I am the Burgerfan!

Chris Christou's Weblog. Everyone has a story — What's yours?

Archive for August, 2011

August 4th, 2011: 10:27 pm

I took this at lunch yesterday. I dare you to set it as your desktop wallpaper for 48 hours…

August 3rd, 2011: 9:50 pm

Sometimes you can take photos, only to find out that nothing in the set came remotely close to your intended vision. Thankfully there’s post-processing. Too bad it can’t entirely save a bad photo.

Also, I really need to put on bug spray before heading out. Will I learn?

I went into the undeveloped field behind our place for a few minutes to get a closeup of some Canadian Geese (Canada Gooses?) doing watch duty. I managed to get all the way in and snap some photos before being mobbed by mosquitoes. But I won’t feel so guilty now when I sit down to play video games for the rest of the evening with really nice weather out.

Something I need to remember: always check the camera settings. I always assume the camera is ready and waiting in ‘P’ mode. In this case, it was on Aperture mode, around f5.6. Ugh. Not what I wanted, but good enough.

Geese on Watch

Geese on Watch

Alternate selection, with massive cropping:

Geese on Watch - Alternate

Geese on Watch - Alternate