I am the Burgerfan!

Chris Christou's Weblog. Everyone has a story — What's yours?

Archive for the ‘Computers and Internet’ Category

May 21st, 2008: 10:16 pm

After being away from work for a week plus a long weekend to get settled into the new home, I forgot my work password!

May 17th, 2008: 11:46 pm

Someone in Europe (Belgium I believe) either a) incorrectly thinks that my email address is theirs, or b) is incapable of giving people their correct email address. The result has been that I am occasionally the recipient of personal emails (not spam), in French. Having tried emailing one of these people without a response, I am led to believe that the particular email sender does not understand English.

A couple of weeks ago this guy decides to create a Skype account with his my email address. As a result, I start getting Skype account emails, in French. After a couple of these, I try to contact this guy through the Skype service. Having failed this attempt at reaching the mystery person, I reset the password to the Skype account, effectively locking him out with no way to log back in. I then assigned the account to a different random email address. As far as the Skype account goes, its someone else’s problem now. I hope this person has at least discovered their real email address.

Its my email address. You can’t use it. (But you can send me an email!)

March 30th, 2008: 8:19 pm

Lola cannot resist the allure of the keyboard. Having said that, here is her first post to the internet:

v vb nhngnnnnnnnn bgggggggfbv g gffffffffff brfddfxcdn6nhn66hg7h8mmmmu n n7uj7h8777777777777777777777h8ht um788ikp09;/ij
b b gtbgJj

September 1st, 2007: 10:15 am

I forgot how to log into my own blog. How embarrassing.

May 28th, 2007: 8:50 pm

Now the internet is subject to my ugly mug.
Take that!
webcam stylin’!

April 13th, 2007: 11:44 pm

I buckled down for another three year contract with Telus Mobility and got a new phone, the Palm Treo 700wx. I have not played with it much but I have taken a photo of Snickers for your amusement. I used to think that camera phones were stupid, but now I guess I have relaxed my opinion on the matter. It still takes crappy photos, but for those spur of the moment instances when you wish you could have taken a picture (like the thing that happened this morning that you will never know about and I will never remember anyways), it seems like a novel idea.

Snickers Palm Treo 700wx